OOTFA District 4: Southern Oregon
Jackson and Josephine Counties
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"To Perpetuate and Promote Old Time Fiddling and Old Time Music"

Membership in the Oregon Old-Time Fiddlers Association is open to all who enjoy old-time music. You don't have to be old or a fiddler! You don't have to play a musical instrument or sing! You don't even have to live in Oregon!

Clicking on the link below will display a form you can print. When you mail the form to us along with a check for your annual membership dues, you will become a member of both the state organization and of our District 4 section. The annual fee for your entire family is $20 if the Hoedowner is emailed to you or $25 if it is sent by postal mail. District 4 encompasses Jackson and Josephine Counties. The Calendar page accessible from our website's menu bar lists our monthly activities and the Locations link on our website's menu bar will help you find your way to those activities.

Our website has a link to the current issue of the state associations's monthly newsletter, The Hoedowner and a link to an archive of all past issues since the association's inception in 1966. Each issue has articles describing activities in each section of the state including those in our own District 4. We look forward to having you join us.

         Membership Form